The Newly Constructed IP Court Will Officially Operate In March 2007.

E051230Y9 Jan. 2006(E74)

Taiwan IP court is scheduled to officially practice in March 2007, and the preparation of judge cultivation, land acquisition and mapping, personnel and facility allocation has begun since January 1, 2006.  The institution of IP court will advance the development of knowledge economy in the country and to elevate IP competitiveness. 


The President of Judicial Yuan, Mr. Weng, Yueh-sheng, on December 29, 2005 hosted the year-end press conference to officially announce the forthcoming establishment and operation of IP court in Taiwan.


IP court will be located in a 5-hectare judicial park area on Linkou terrace, which is featured by law court buildings to be completed in 2011.  In view of urgent need from the society, the temporary site for IP court will be located in area adjacent to Linkou for the early operation of IP court in March 2007.


In the initial stage of operation, the IP court will be facilitated with 3 tribunals and 15 judges.  (2005.12)


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