The Freedom of Government Information Act’s Passing Third Reading Will Benefits Enterprises.

E051207Y9 Jan. 2006(E74)

The proposed “Freedom of Government Information Act” passed the third reading in the Legislative Yuan on December 6, 2005, and as a result thereof, information pertaining to administration plans, business statistics, research report, budget, financial statement, and engineering procurement contract, etc. shall be made public on the government’s own initiative.  As such, businesses may acquire trading opportunity through such available information disclosed by the government, so as to do trade with government agencies.  This Act also stipulates that any information concerns national confidentiality, criminal investigation, agency memoranda, personal privacy violation shall not be disclosed.


The Freedom of Government Information Act is one of the significant Sunshine Act and represents the great advancement of publicity and transparency of government’s administration.  People can participate in public policy and supervise the government performance in terms of this Act.


This Act may not only promote government integrity but also satisfy the people’s right to know, and most of important of all, enable businesses to acquire more potential trading opportunities.  Take National Science Council as an example, businesses may, based on the budget and financial statement made public by the government agencies, catch on realize the samples and quantity of the purchase by the National Science Council, so as to estimate the direction of its equipment purchase, or even to predict its future enforcement project for early preparation. (2005.12)


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