Application Deadline of Awards for Inventions and Creations Is Extended.

E041230Y1 Jan. 2005(E62)

  Intellectual Property Office (IPO) of Ministry of Economic Affairs poised to amend the “Regulations Governing Awards for Inventions and Creations” to extend the award application deadline for invention patent to 6 years and that for invention patents covering pharmaceuticals, agrichemicals, or their manufacturing process to 9 years in the hope of stimulating inventions and creations by the industry.


IPO states that the enactment of “Regulations Governing Awards for Inventions and Creations” is to encourage, protect, and exercise inventions and creations, and finally to facilitate industry development. Also, award for inventions and creations stands for one of the legislation purposes of the Patent Law. Since some obstacles arose from enforcing the Regulations after its enforcement on December 17, 2003, amendment to partial articles is made accordingly. (2004.12)


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