Taiwan Hoping to be Struck Off from the 301 Observation List.

E041229Y6 Jan. 2005(E62)

Due to the serious piracy, Taiwan has been listed in the US’ special 301 Observation List for 3 consecutive years and may face the possibility of trading retaliation. The Intellectual Property Office of the Ministry of Economic Affairs indicated, the United States has clearly informed us that an unscheduled inspection result of the special 301 List would be announced in mid-January 2005. We are confident to be lowered to a general observation list or even eliminated from the observation list.


Currently, the US Trading Delegation is enquiring opinions of the industries from American Obligee Association and prepares to reveal the irregular inspection result in mid-January 2005. The Intellectual Property Office said, the US has shown recognition in Taiwan’s recent amendment of the Copyright Law, establishment of IPR Protection Team and etc. concrete methods to protect the intellectual property rights. American Chamber of Commerce, American Film Association, Microsoft and so on copyright groups have endorsed for Taiwan. Although the US has not made a definite statement, the Intellectual Property Office estimated that Taiwan should be eliminated from the 301 special observation list.


In addition, the Intellectual Property Office has also organized a “Intellectual Property Training School”, designed teaching materials, syllabi, assisted the court, corporations and agent groups to conduct relevant educational training concerning intellectual property rights and furthermore implement intellectual property protection.(2004.12)



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