Year End Approaching, Counterfeiters Ready to Make a Move Great Effect from the Police Investigation The IPR Protection Team Established “Internet Crime Investigation”.

E041229Y6 Jan. 2005(E62)

As the year-end is nearing, new movies and albums are hitting the market, and the name brands are presenting with new styles. To avoid the counterfeiters from taking such advantage, National Police Agency listed 63 night markets all over the country for enhanced raids. Raids for counterfeits were held for 3 days. In total of 124 counterfeit cases, 131 piracy cases and 261 suspects were seized.


The nationwide “No. 5 Raid” project, from the 26th to 8 a.m. on the 29th and according to the statistics of the Economic Unit of National Police Agency, over 20,000 discs of pirated music, movies, games and software were seized along with counterfeit LV and GUCCI bags, Rolex watches, NIKE sports shoes and socks, cigarettes and alcohol and even Viagra and etc. illegal goods.


As to the “internet piracy”, a challenge of a new form of crime, the National Police Agency has also raised the amount of rewards, added merits to cases, set up a goal of raids and strengthened hardware facilities to encourage every unit to raid with extra effort. In addition, the IRP Protection Team has also established “Internet Crime Investigation” and appointed police power in analyzing criminal information and raiding.(2004.12)


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