The Intellectual Property Court in Preparation, Skill Inspectors are Hired to Uplift Trial Efficiency. The High Court Ranking No Trial for Criminal Cases.

E041226Y6 Jan. 2005(E62)

The first professional court in Taiwan is now under intensive preparation. Its name is called the “Intellectual Property Court”.


According to the Ministry of Justice, if the “Intellectual Property Court” is established in the future, it shall follow the Korean method, which is similar to ours. A group of “skill inspectors” will be hired independently to assist the judges. Other than providing professional opinions and assessment, they may attend the hearings and interrogate the plaintiffs and defendants. However, the judge will not necessarily adopt their suggestions. But at least, through the “skill inspectors”, assistance from out of the court will be lessened and trial efficiency will be boosted tremendously.


The “Intellectual Property Court” will be disposed with more than 10 judges and skill inspectors, whose status is equivalent to the High Court. In the future, it will be the first instance court for non-criminal cases regarding intellectual property rights. If the judgment is unsatisfactory, appeals can be made to the Supreme Court.(2004.12)


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