Infringement Goods uncovered by the Customs The Fine would be Triple to the Original Price of the Goods.

E041225Y6 Jan. 2005(E62)

In order to benefit the Customs to conduct raid actions of illegal trading acts of infringing intellectual property, the Legislative Yuan completed its consideration of " Draft Partial Amendments of Customs Preventive Law " and passed its third reading yesterday. The said draft stated that if the future declared import and export goods infringed patent rights, trademark rights and copyright, the goods may be fined at 1-fold to 3-fold to the price of the original goods. Besides, the goods may be confiscated. In addition, the maximum fine of making false report of specification and certificate would be astonishing increased from the current NT$30,000 to NT$1000,000 in order to decrease the possibility of disputes between Taiwan and other countries and to enhance our international image. (2004.12)


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