Electrification of Intellectual Property Services Will Be Fulfilled in 2006.

E031208Y1 Jan. 2004(E50)

The patent and trademark on-line application system, which tremendously influences the industry in Taiwan, will be fulfilled before October of 2004. Intellectual Property Office indicates that the administrative systems, such as internal examination, will be scheduled to be electrified overall in 2006, and information will be digitized after four years so as to lay the foundation for IPO’s business operation and information exchange with the world.


Deputy head of IPO, Cai Huei-Yan (蔡惠言) indicated that he had negotiated with the heads of the Patent Offices in the USA, Japan, and Europe for the direction of future development so as to enable the applicants to apply for patent in the same mode in the three countries. Moreover, the internal information searching system in the three Offices will also be open for cross-searching to achieve the gradual unification of examination standard and quality. “Circulation between the three Offices equals to that around the world and such action decides the direction of international development,” said Cai. Cai also mentioned that since conservative attitude was held toward the patents related to the local biotech and medicine fields, the obtainment of patent will be opened by taking international tendency as reference and combining local enterprises’ interests. (2003.12)


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