Victory ever in history of piracy crackdown. Profits of tens of billions of dollars made from cross-country manufacturing and mass distribution to Europe and America.

E031225Y6 Jan. 2004(E50)

Our government, taking synchronized anti-piracy actions with several countries yesterday, has won a major success in international piracy combat. It was brought to our investigation authority’s attention that Chun-Fu Information Ltd., was held in great suspect of the organized piracy acts that involved five of its overseas branch companies, and six factories in China specialized in CD-ROM reproduction. Estimated tens of billions of dollars of illegal profits were made from this cross-country manufacturing and mass distribution to 10 countries, including Germany, US, Japan, UK, France, Australia, and Canada. Chun-Fu, according to the investigation authority, has branch companies in Los Angeles, Germany, Australia, UK, and China, which have been directly seeking local clients for ten years. Its business scale is even grander than that of the currently raided Bow Chun Group, and is considered to be the biggest piracy group ever in the history of software piracy crackdown.


An international piracy group allocates its piracy procedures, from taking orders, manufacturing, to export distribution in different areas and countries. This formidable criminal network, with each part of its operation flow disguised in legal business, takes advantages of the area restraints in traditional jurisdiction, in attempt to enhance the difficulty of piracy combat. So given that any part of the criminal network is caught, the investigation office can only grab a minor piece without any clue of piecing together the whole picture of the criminal acts. And it is through this case that we come to realize the importance of international cooperation in piracy crackdown.


Taking Chun Fu Information and Bow Chun International as examples, the prosecutor Chang Xao-Bin indicated that, thanks to the long-term monitoring and evidence collecting by the market investigation field and criminal investigation bureau, these international criminal acts could be crashed. However, an international cooperation plays a crucial role in combating piracy group. In fact, the clues provided by the anti web piracy action undertaken by FBI US in 2002, as well as an open and efficient jurisdiction assistance channel between Taiwan and US is truly the great accelerators in the success on this particular piracy crackdown. (2003.12)


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