Kaohisung Customs is taking further efforts in IPR protection.

E031204Y6 Jan. 2004(E50)

To cooperate under the “Directions for Customs Authorities in Implementing Measures for Protection of Trademark and Copyright”, announced by Customs Department, Ministry of Finance on June 10, and put into enforcement on July 1 (some provisions are made effective from November 28), Kaohsiung Customs has actively taking great efforts to put the regulations into practice, in hope to effectively stop the domestic manufacturers from exporting the pirated goods, counterfeits or prevent in advance any infringements alike. Considering that the crisis of imported piracy and counterfeits has reached an alarming level, Kaohisung Customs has also been taking great efforts in piracy crackdown, so as to protect the legal owners of the copyrights. The “General Guidelines for the Customs in Dealing with Trademark Infringement Cases” expires on July 1. (2003.12)


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