The first conference initiated cooperatively by Taiwan and US is on.

E031208Y8 Jan. 2004(E50)
Intellectual Property Office and Bureau of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs, and the American Institute in Taiwan, Chung Hua Institution for Economic Research, has scheduled to held a four-day IPR protection conference between Taiwan and the US, in Taipei, from December 9 and December 12, 2003. Approximately 20 scholars specialized in related fields and officials from the US, Thailand, Hong Kong and Taiwan, are invited to participate in this conference.  The director of IIPA, Eric Smith, who flies all the way to take part in this conference, indicated that, should Taiwan can further amend the relevant regulations in IPR protection, and take more efforts in fighting the relevant infringements, and impose heavier punishment on those criminal acts, IIPA will suggest US government to remove Taiwan from the special watch list of 301. It is understood that, Taiwan is proving its resolution to the US by holding this conference. For the TIFA has ceased for more than one year, the US insists that the resolution towards the disputes incurred from IPR protection shall be the first priority for Taiwan, and then there shall be room to negotiate on Free Trade Association. This explains why our government actively initiates and participates in this conference. (2003.12)CYJ/YVO
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