The Judicial Yuan of the Republic of China plans to set up a professional court of Intelligence Property.

E031230Y9 Jan. 2004(E50)

The Judicial Yuan of the Republic of China will advance the feasibility study on the establishment of the professional court of Intelligence Property as well as the Discovery (事證開示) system in civil lawsuits. The implementation of the said two innovations in the judicial history undoubtedly will bring a large impact on the development of intelligence property industry in Taiwan and on the procedures of civil lawsuits. The said innovations will help swiftly solve the disputes regarding patents, trademarks, copyright that domestic and foreign businesses encountered in Taiwan; accordingly, the new systems have the functions of “rapid trial and rapid settlement of a lawsuit”, “economizing judicial resources”, and “solving the disputes arising between the businesses to avoid any business opportunities from being lost in the lawsuits and to avoid from consuming too much social resources”. However, the president of Judicial Yuan, Weng Yueh-sheng expressed that the said two designs are merely on the stage of “feasibility planning ” and he hoped to receive more suggestions or propositions from other industries. (2003.12)


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