The English Name of External Trade Development Council is changed from “China” to “Taiwan”. “China External Trade Development Council” (CETRA) is changed into “Taiwan External Trade Development Council” (TAITRA) since the New Year’s Day of 2004.

E031217Y9 Jan. 2004(E50)

A significant reform was made to the organization of External Trade Development Council since the New Year’s Day of 2004. The English name of CETRA which has been used for ten years was changed into TAITRA. Besides, to help the development of new businesses, the original market development department will be divided into market expansion department and marketing department.


The External Trade Development Council stated that the reason why they changed the English name “China” to “Taiwan” was that they are easily misunderstood to be relevant with China whenever they lead business groups to participate in any product fair or whenever they do marketing, which causes a lot of inconvenience to the participating factory representatives. In consideration of the above, they decided to change the English name of External Trade Development Council and hoped to avoid the said inconvenience forever by doing so.


The External Trade Development Council has 34 foreign offices worldwide; the locations include worldwide-known cities such as San Francisco, Toronto, Tokyo, London, Paris, Munich and so on. Although these foreign offices were set up in the name of “Taiwan Trade Center”, these foreign offices still printed the mark “CETRA” on their propaganda, banners, or business letters when they hold any product fair, which easily confuse foreign factory representatives. The reason why they printed the said mark was that they remain under the control of the External Trade Development Council. (2003.12)


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