Foreign white-collar professionals come to Taiwan. Council of Labor Affairs decides to have the said issues handled at the same government unit.

E031203Y9 Jan. 2004(E50)

In respective of the issue which high-tech industries are deeply concerned about, the introduction of foreign white-collar professionals to Taiwan will all be handled by Council of Labor Affairs Executive Yuan since the New Year’s Day of 2004. To avoid any enterprise from introducing foreign blue-collar workers to Taiwan under the name of foreign white-collar professionals, Council of Labor Affairs Executive Yuan will fix a basic salary standard so as to ensure the employment rights of domestic workers. To attract foreign high-tech professionals to work in Taiwan, the Executive Yuan has set up the authorities concerned to draft relevant preferential plans, in which the foreign professionals will be given preferential treatment in the residence and insurance. The plans are considered to serve as a contributing factor of attracting foreign professionals to Taiwan.


In the past, the matter that foreign white-collar professionals come to work in Taiwan was handed by different government units according to the these professionals’ occupations such as teachers, athletes and so on; besides, the law concerning the processing matter even amounts to more than twenty articles and no united standard could be found from these various articles. (2003.12)


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