Via providing the material; FTC investigating unfair competition claim against Intel

E021224X4 Jan. 2003(E41)

After the United Kingdom Supreme Court sustained Via's unfair competition complaint against Intel, Via confirmed on Dec. 23 that it would file a complaint for unfair competition against Intel with the Taiwan Fair Trade Commission by end-2002.  Via did not rule out the possibility of filing an antitrust lawsuit against Intel in the U.S. and it is in the process of collecting evidence.  When asked whether Via will seek license when Intel rolls out new processor specifications in the 2nd quarter of 2004, its spokesperson replied as usual: "Via cherishes peace, but will only accept a license agreement made under fair conditions." 


In 1993 Computer Association, together with the US-based Cyrix and AMD, filed a complaint for unfair competition against Intel with the Taiwan Fair Trade Commission.  The complaint is concluded in 1996 with an "administrative settlement" between Intel and the FTC.  Nevertheless, Via, after collecting evidence, opined that Intel fails to comply with the contents of the administrative settlement it agreed then; that is, Intel continuously uses its monopolistic position within the industry and has gravely influenced free competition on the market.  Hence, on Nov. 12, 2002 Via filed a complaint with the FTC against Intel's "failure to abide by the administrative settlement".  This case is currently under investigation by the FTC.


Translated by Jem Chung

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