Intel to take part in Si-Soft Project

E021211X5 Jan. 2003(E41)

 The Si-Soft Project led by the National Chiao Tung University had eagerly sought Intel's participation to help improve the R&D strength of domestic IC design industry.  At present, negotiations have been made with many IC design companies in regard to the development high-end SoC (System on Chip) products.  Intel is also evaluating whether to establish a base of operations at one of the potential sites like Hsinchu/Tainan Science-Based Industrial Parks or Longtan Aspire Park. 


Domestic IC industry mostly targets on consumer products, and 0.25- and 0.35-micron process technology are the mainstream used in production.  More advanced 0.13-micron and 90-nano process technologies on which TSMC et al. have spent a vast amount of capital, however, can only turn to foreign mega-corporations for clients, which indicates that from IC design to integrated SoC, there are yet many difficulties ahead. 


Translated by Jem Chung
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