Sony investing capital amounting to three billion NT dollars in research and development in Taiwan

E021221X5 Jan. 2003(E41)

Sony has enhanced the collaborative relationship between Taiwan industries and it in recent years and also resolved to found a semiconductor R&D center in Taiwan in the year of 2003 to improve the function of research and development of information products.  For the next two years, the capital that Sony anticipated to invest in research and development in Taiwan will amount to three billion NT dollars.  Despite its same research and development department in Mainland China, Sony still schedules to lay stress on Taiwan in respect of the design and R&D of products, as Taiwan is in possession of R&D advantages.


Minister of Economic Affairs, Yi-Fu Lin, indicating that the government is promoting the “two trillion, twin-star” industries, said that if Sony transfers its visual-audio technology and developing ability, as well as its yearlong experience in digital contents, to Taiwan, it may speed up its development on a win-win basis, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs will also provide certain incentives like exemption and reduction on taxes and aid on research and development, and introduce the aid from foreign technology talents.


Translated by Corrina Wu
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