Birth of Taiwan IP Capital Research Center

E021130Y5 Jan. 2003(E41)

Sponsored by the Department of Industrial Technology of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, National Chengchi University and the Institute for Information Industry jointly established “Taiwan IP Capital Research Center” on Nov 29, 2002. Currently, half of the productive capacity of information hardware in Taiwan has transferred to the Mainland China. Therefore, the fact that Taiwan is able to control various IP capital is a key point to determine whether Taiwan can continue to control the industrial predominance and orders.  


C. Q. Huang, the head of the Department of Industrial Technology, indicated that it has become more and more important to manage and understand IP capital in the intellectual and economic time. The Department of Industrial Technology particularly allotted a part of funds to integrate the resources of the industrial circles, the authorities, the academic circles and the research institutes in hopes of incorporating the concept of IP capital into accounting standards, business operating management, establishment of government policies to provide the best backing.   


Translated by Joanne Lue 
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