ITRI forming users club in the lead to develop Nano science & technology

E021210Y5 Jan. 2003(E41)

  The Electronic Research and Services organization (ERSO) of ITRI unveils the Nanoelectronics Common-Lab Users Club on December 10, 2002, for the purpose of providing local manufacturers with the experimental equipment and environment required to develop the Nano technology.  The expectable signers include such major semi-conductor manufactures as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), United Microelectronics Corp. (UMC) and Macronix, as well as tens of local material suppliers including Everlight Chemicals and Eternal, et al.


  Under the support by the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ micro-electronics, submicron and deep submicron projects, ITRI has founded well-organized semi-conductor R&D energy and laboratories.  The foundation of this club is capable of strengthening the integration of R&D technologies, manpower and resources among the industries and expected to help the local semi-conductor industry move onto another summit.


Translated by Corrina Wu  
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