Micro electromechanical industry to promote process standardization

E021211Y5 Jan. 2003(E41)

 The Industrial Technology Research Institute (“ITRI”) expected to combine over twenty enterprises including Asia Pacific Microsystems, Inc., Walsin Lihwa Corporation and Micro Base Technology Corporation to establish the “Micro Electromechanical Industrial Development Alliance” in the end of December. On Dec 10, the industry reached a common consensus to jointly build up standardized technical model and process to expedite formation of industrial villages of vertical division of labor, like semiconductors. It is estimated to create US$150 billion of output value in 2008.


 Micro electromechanical industry combines many technologies in the optical, mechanical, electrical, physical, chemical and bio-medical fields. The application of such industry is very extensive and therefore the industry has become the star industry of the 21st century. Japan and Korea have devoted certain mental power and capital to develop the Micro electromechanical industry. It is estimated that the global output value would reach US$6.5 billion (equivalent to NT$2,000 billion) in 2008.        


Translated by Joanne Lue
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