Lawsuit abuser could be subject to punishment

E021202Y9 Jan. 2003(E41)

  The Judicial Yuan is researching the mechanism of administrative proceedings and planning to add the requirement for punishment for lawsuit abuse.  The judicial Yuan aimed to punish lawsuit abusers with a fine of more than tens of thousand NT dollars whenever they were found abusing lawsuit, so as to curb the lawsuit abuse.


  Lawsuit abuse is defined as that:  “On the premise that the public’s interest and right in bringing lawsuit should be protected, rigid guidelines shall govern.  For example, the contents of the lawsuit obviously violate the interpretation of the Council of Grand Judges or requirements provided by law, or the alleged facts are groundless in terms of law.”.


  By the same token, for the long-pending civil cases caused by lawsuit abusers, the Judicial Yuan also added fine penalty provisions to the Draft of Amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure.  If such provisions are legislated officially, the court will be entitled to punish the lawsuit abusers or their attorneys with a fine of less than NT$60,000.


Translated by Corrina Wu

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