Prosecutors heading for US to cooperate with US in investigating smuggling of counterfeit software

E011207Y3 Jan. 2002(E29)

The Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office, which is now investigating the case involving counterfeit software which was smuggled into U.S.A. valuing over one hundred million US dollars, dispatched the special prosecutors to Los Angeles, U.S.A. to collect evidence and also pay a visit to competent judicial departments of the US Government, in order to verify whether the pirated software attached in U.S.A. was produced and exported by the Taiwan-based company, 中帝科技公司 (English transliteration: Zhong Di Science & Technology Company).

According to the Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office, the cooperation between judicial authorities of U.S.A. and Taiwan in defeating smuggling of counterfeit software set a precedent of outside-border investigation in Taiwan’s judicial history.   The special prosecutors will visit the responsible prosecutor of the Prosecuting Department of Los Angeles, U.S.A., the special high-tech anticounterfeiting group of South California and Investigation Office of US Customs to share and exchange information with each other.

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