Following the example of the European Convention, legislation against five types of cybercrime to be made

E011225Y6 Jan. 2002(E29)

Major European countries have just signed a “Convention on Cybercrime” this year as the standard of legislation for member States.  After studying the aforementioned convention, the Ministry of Justice recently made a crucial policy incorporating illegal access, illegal interception, data interference, system interference and misuse of devices which haven’t been explicitly regulated by the current legal systems of this country into offenses as the aforementioned Convention does.  After legislation is made, a person who commits any of the aforementioned acts shall be deemed committing a crime.

To prevent overextending presumption of crimes, the MOJ considered that a doer who acquires “computer programs designed or modified for criminal purposes such as illegal access” or “computer secret codes or relevant data for the purpose of accessing the entire or a part of the computer system or other facilities” shall assume legal liability on the premise that the doer commits the aforementioned act by deliberate criminal intention and there are the aforementioned goods “held by the doer in certain quantities.

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