Three courts of last instance to be incorporated into organization of Judicial Yuan before 2003

E011225Y6 Jan. 2002(E29)

The Judicial Yuan has decided to amend laws so as to incorporate the three courts of last instance such as the Supreme Court, Supreme Administrative Court and Committee on the Discipline of Public Functionaries into its organization before 2003.  In view of the fact that the Supreme Court will not exist by then, the Prosecutor’s Office subordinative to the Supreme Court will be amended to be “the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office”, and the Prosecutor’s Office of the High Court will be amended to be “the High Prosecutor’s Office” and the prosecutor’s offices of district courts will be amended to be “the district prosecutor’s offices”.

In order to carry out the conclusion of the national judicial reform meeting, the Judicial Yuan scheduled to pose a draft of amendment before December 31, 2003 to amend relevant laws and organizations of the Judicial Yuan, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Administrative Court and the Committee on the Discipline of Public Functionaries and complete incorporation of staff.  In addition to the Constitution Court, the Civil Court, the Criminal Court and the Administrative Court will be formed in the Judicial Yuan in the future.  

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