Length of time in processing antidumping case to be shortened for 20 days

E011218Y6 Jan. 2002(E29)

The Department of Customs Administration and Chinese National Federation of Industries held a symposium on December 17, 2001 to interpret to the industries their new antidumping strategies against Taiwan’s entry to the WTO.  According to Chinese National Federation of Industries, the length of time spent in filing an antidumping application and acquiring the final ruling was 280 days in past time, and the antidumping tax could be imposed on imported goods only after the Executive Yuan approved it.  Now the length of time in processing antidumping cases will be shortened for 20 days at least.  As long as the Ministry of Finance finds out facts of the infringement on the industries, it will render a ruling sustaining the dumping case.

The new antidumping law possesses a characteristic which is identified as the national interest clauses enacted after the US public interest clauses were taken into consideration.  That is, even if imported goods infringe upon the industries and are considered as dumping goods, the government can decide not to impose antidumping tax in consideration of the national security and interest.

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