EU rendered the preliminary ruling; heavy anti-dumping import duties imposed on Taiwan CD-R industry

E011220Z6 Jan. 2002(E29)

In the early morning of December 19, 2001, the European Committee made a preliminary ruling that the anti-dumping case against Taiwan CD-R industry is sustained.  The anti-dumping duties imposed by EC range from 18.5% to 39.5%.  This will not only increase the cost of production of CD-Rs sold to Europe, but also force small- and mid-sized CD-R manufacturers out of the European market - or even wipe them out entirely.  Last year, there were as many as 1.2b pieces of CD-Rs totaling more than US$400 million worth sold to the European market, only secondary to the North American market. 

After the filing of anti-dumping complaint against Taiwanese CD-Rs on February 16, 2001, the European Committee had been investigating this case since March 31, 2001.  The investigation period normally lasts for 12-15 months, but the EC had rendered the preliminary ruling on December 19, 2001, advancing pressure on our CD-R industry.  This is also the first time EU take actions against Taiwan CD-R industry. 

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