Software Piracy Rate Remaining 43% Three Years in A Row, BSA to Offer Huge Money Reward to Provider of Information against Corporate Pirates.

E060325X3 Apr. 2006(E77)

Are you using pirated software?  Remove it!  Corporate users will need to exercise higher alertness because harsh law enforcement against pirates is on the way.  BSA is offering money reward up to NTD10 million to encourage employees to report against their pirate employers.

  Software piracy rate in Taiwan has stayed 43% three years in a row.  According to the research report published by IDC, Taiwan’s IT industry as a whole has a total annual value of some USD6.2 billion which will increase to USD7.3 billion if the 43% piracy rate is down to 33%, representing a 15% growth and this will create opportunities for employment, business opportunities and increase national tax revenue.  

BSA provides money reward to provider of information against piracy and the maximum reward amount is NTD1 million.  The offer of a NT10 million money award is the record high amount.  Any individual who provides information to BSA by 30 April 2006 that leads to successful crackdown of corporate software piracy may receive a money reward if (a) the market value of the pirated copies of software reproduced and or used by the corporate pirate as uncovered and seized amount to NTD100 million in total, (b) the responsible person and the relevant personnel of the corporate pirate are convicted or settle the dispute with BSA before the relevant criminal judgment becomes final with binding effects.  BSA will determine and pay the money reward (ranging from NTD1 to NTD10 million) according to the amount and quality of the information provided, the cooperation of the provider of the information, degree of severity of the piracy and the amount awarded by the final judgment with binding effects.  (2006.3)


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