Industrial Development Bureau’s Budget Deleted.

E060323Y1 Apr. 2006(E77)

TWTM (Taiwan Technology Marketplace) has been cooperating with the Industrial Technology Research Institute every year to hold the patent transfer tender since 2003.  The participant which was only the Industrial Technology Research Institute at the very beginning has been increasing to a scale of 11 organizations and 5 individuals.  The fine condition of tender demonstrates a growing demand for patents in Taiwan market.   

  In order to expedite a more blooming development of patent market in Taiwan, the Industrial Development Bureau established a guidance mechanism in 2006 to encourage non-governmental technology services to be commissioned by domestic or foreign patentees to conduct patent license or transfer tender.  Also, TWTM is commissioned to promote non-governmental “auction alliance”.  

  The “auction alliance” refers to an IP combination for tender established by one or several intellectual property service providers, so as to be commissioned by the IP right holders from the industry, the government, and the academia, to conduct patent right license or transfer tender, and the subject matter of the tender was patent in most cases at the very beginning.  

  The selection procedure of the “auction alliance” launched by the Industrial Development Bureau and organized by non-governmental IP right providers is scheduled to begin in June.  However, the Industrial Development Bureau’s budget and relevant budgets therefor was deleted by the Legislative Yuan in the review in 2006. (2006.3)


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