Intellectual Property Office’s Simple and Convenient Business of Patent initiated. From July, Applicants can Get Their Case the next day after the day they filed the application.

E050125Y1 Feb. 2005(E63)

Intellectual Property Office will establish “Fast Center of Simple and Convenient Business of Patent” so as to make the public more convenient. It is anticipated that from July, in regard to cases which doesn’t have to review patent documents for examination, such as patent agents’ registration, registration of patent annuity, application of proven documents of priority, copy of relevant patent documents, and reissue of patent certificate, the whole procedures will be serviced by specified person. In the initial stage, it is anticipated to reach the goal of “ sending the case today and taking the case tomorrow.” Thereafter, discussing the effect depends on the circumstance and forge ahead toward the direction of “ sending the case today and taking the case today.”


After three amendments respectively in 1997, 2001, and 2003, Taiwan’s patent standard has been already roughly in accordance with international standard. Succeeding the promotion of checking the number of patent certificate beforehand, shortening publish and issue time of patent certificate, and shortening process time of priority certificate of last year, Intellectual Property Office will continue and expand the promotion of simple and convenient measure for the public. (2005.1)


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