List of Famous Trademarks of Cultural & Creative Industries has been Released. is the Only Domestic Database Being Selected.

E050119Y2 Feb. 2005(E63)

Intellectual Property Office finalized the selection of trademark and the edition of name list of Cultural & Creative Industries yesterday. Famous trademarks of Cultural & Creative Industries are divided into visual art industry, music and Performing arts industry, cultural performing facilities art industry, craft industry, film industry, broadcasting-television industry, publishing industry, advertising industry, design industry, digital leisure & entertainment industry, design brand fashion industry, and creative life industry, totaling 12 categories. Besides, there are totaling 75 trademarks being selected as famous trademarks.


This is the first time that selected activity of famous trademarks of cultural & creative industry held in Taiwan. Intellectual Property Office expressed that it is mainly for encouraging cultural & creative industry to pay attention to trademarks and accumulate cultural wisdom so as to establish benefit of business operation.


United Daily News Group of publishing industry provides digital content and news information. They not only re-arrange United Daily News’ information to put on the website, but also become a public and convenient usage channel of news. In addition, is in accordance with the cultural & creative industry’s definition of “ derive from creativity or accumulation, through application and formation of intelligent property, have potential of creating fortune and working opportunities, and upgrade the enhancement of whole life environment.” Therefore, becomes the only online database that acquired recognition as famous trademark currently. (2005.1)       


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