IP Training Academy to be Established in 2006.

E050126Y6 Feb. 2005(E63)

The “IP Training Academy” arranged and sponsored by the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs will be established soon. It is expected that 1000 IP professionals will have completed the training courses annually for enterprises’ demand for IP issues.


In 2005, IPO will endeavor to set up the office of “IP Training Academy”, map out the entire courses, formulate training materials, and cultivate instructing faculty, etc.. From 2006, the training section will start the training courses according to the integrated courses and materials and employ qualified and trained teachers as instructors to offer IP courses to enterprises, judicial officers, and patent and trademark agents. Such courses include elementary and advanced ones to cover diverse demand from different industries. IPO expects to cultivate 200 IP instructors in 2005 and train over 1,000 IP professionals between 2006-2008.


In view of the lack of qualified IP professionals in Taiwan, the “IP Training Academy” is established with an aim to encourage enterprises’ R&D patent applications, build up a sound IP management system, and upgrade the quality of trademark and patent applications. Besides, IPO will assist in enhancing the judicial officers’ IP knowledge to avail against IPR infringement victims’ effective judicial remedy. (2005.1)


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