IPO Will Establish Internet Joint Investigation Taskforce to Deter Internet Infringement.

E050124Y6 Feb. 2005(E63)

According to the consumer piracy survey (commissioned by IPO) conducted by the National Cheng-chi University, illegal downloads of music and movies on the Internet have increased in 2004 by 3% to 15% as compared with 2003. This reveals that piracy on music, movies, and other digital products are taking on the new form of Internet infringements and replacing traditional sale channels.


  In order to effectively tackle the aggravation of Internet infringement, IPO invites the Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission of the Executive Yuan, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education, the Directorate General of Telecommunications, National Police Agency of Ministry of the Interior, relevant authorities subordinate to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, owners associations, and the Internet platform service providers to jointly confer on and draw up the draft bill for “Internet Infringement Prevention Scheme” enacted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. This draft bill would be enforced after submitted to IPR Coordination Meeting held on January 28, 2005 for deliberation and passage and the enforcement period tentatively dates from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2007.


The concrete essentials and measures of the “Internet Infringement Prevention Scheme” are specified as follows:

1.            Promotion of the amended Copyright Law;

2.            Enhancement of cooperation between Internet service providers and owners associations and their respective self-discipline;

3.            Enhancement of campus Internet management;

4.            Effective containment of Internet infringement:

IPR Protection Police Team and Optical Media Joint Investigation Taskforce select the professionals with computer, Internet, or science and technology law speciality. Also, the copyright section of IPO forms the “Internet Infringement Joint Investigation Taskforce” to intensify the campaign to Internet infringement. Professional training of the officers should be upgraded to avail raid action and prompt investigation, indictment against infringements, and finally the impediment to Internet infringement. In addition, reporting of Internet infringement is promoted and enforcement and administrative rewards are increased in order to clamp down on Internet infringement. Finally, communication channel to the government is also built up to solve the difficulties in raid on the websites constructed abroad. (2005.1)


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