Rampancy of CD burner is Taiwan Counterfeit Industry’s Special Phenomenon. Results of uncovering of January are abundant.

E050203Y3 Mar. 2005(E64)

The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) cooperated with Taiwan’s all police units, uncovering about 68000 pieces of counterfeit CD-R and DVD-R as well as over 50 sets of CD burner. The responsible person of Asia Pacific of MPAA, Frank Rittman, indicated that the special phenomenon of Taiwan counterfeit industry is CD burner becoming the illegal tool to counterfeit and thus cause huge loss of legal enterprises.


During the action of 2004 taken by movie and video copyright protection foundation, there are 1775 sets of CD burners been uncovered in Taiwan, which constituted 56% of the number MPA uncovered in Asia Pacific. (2005.2)


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