Raiding Internet Infringement Focus on P2P and FTP.

E050223Y6 Mar. 2005(E64)

Taiwan Business Software Alliance (BSA) expressed that the rate of Taiwan counterfeit software has decreased year by year, but illegally download software on Internet has continuing increased. According to BSA’s statistics, infringement acts on Internet of Taiwan in first three quarters last year have grown 230% compared to 2003. Among these infringement acts, counterfeit act of software exchange of point to point (P2P) have increased materially by 770%.


Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C. has initiated to draft “implementation scheme of enhanced prevention of internet infringement” in order to restrain Internet infringement. It will take three years to conduct overall raid action on Internet infringement as well as to proceed with the work of promotion and norm. Besides, IPR Protection Police Team and the Optical Media Joint Investigation Taskforce will select “Project Team for joint search on Internet Infringement ” to enhanced raiding on cases of Internet infringement.


Currently, common Internet counterfeit acts include P2P exchange software, selling through Internet, selling through e-mail, file transfer protocol, provide serial number broken number, and etc. BSA and the police will both target the search on the source of spread and people who make profits from this. Besides, they will mainly use moral persuasion against ordinary users. (2005.2)


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