Nationwide Patent Examination to be Conducted this Year.

E050324X1 Apr. 2005(E65)

  In order to examine the enforcement effects of the Principal Laws for Sciences and Technologies in Taiwan, the Association of Technology Managers in Taiwan in this year will begin to examine nationwide research institutions’ and schools’ achievements, going into the domestic research institutions’ and schools’ performance of patent application, patent license, and patent value-add. It is predicted that this examination will arouse much discussion in Taiwan and will serve as the patent records with utmost reference value.


  The Principal Laws for Sciences and Technologies of Taiwan was promulgated in 1997 and has gone through two amendments. Similar to the Bayh-Dole Act passed in the US in 1980, this Principal Laws is enacted to expedite the government’s sponsor and transfer of R&D results to the industry, a progress that has transformed Taiwan enterprises which had been mainly engaged in OEM manufacturing into knowledge-base enterprises which take the initiative in tech cooperation.


  According to the US Bayh-Dole Act, the small-scale enterprises and non-profit organizations (including universities) which conduct research with the US federal government’s sponsor are entitled to possess the invention rights within a certain limit. The government aims to grant IPR to research institutions and schools, and stimulate technology transfer by reserving only the rights of non-exclusive, non-assignable, and royalty-free use. (2005.3)


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