Keep an eye on Internet Auction People Who Buying counterfeits will be reported to the police.

E050318Y6 Apr. 2005(E65)

Internet auction prevails over Taiwan, and however, since the origin of products of Internet auction could not be ascertained, customers should be careful to violate laws. Taipei Customs indicated that they have uncovered customers who purchased counterfeit American series DVD that from Hong Kong via Internet auction, despite the customers all expressed they did not know such products are counterfeits; they still must be reported to the police according to laws. From March, every postal packet will be inspected by X-ray machine, and therefore, counterfeits are difficult to pass the inspection.


The officer expressed that Taiwan has been removed from US Priority Watch List, and placed on Watch List after many years of effort. Therefore, they hope the public could maintain Taiwan’s international image of respect for intellectual property, and be careful when purchasing works of intellectual property such as products from overseas seldom have Chinese version, and films that is showing or just stopped play cannot be bought. (2005.3)


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