Test on Paperless Trade Network with EU in April. Korea-Taiwan e-Certificate of Origin Interchange Project to be Launched Simultaneously.

E050321Y8 Apr. 2005(E65)

 Taiwan has remarkably advanced in international trade facilitation. Undertaking the customs clearance of air and marine cargo, Trade-Van Information Service Co. (“Tradevan”) has not only concluded a letter of cooperation intention with Paris e-Commerce International to jointly promote France-Taiwan bilateral e-documents interchange, but also built up the multilateral paperless trade network with EU’s British and Germany and has already finished first-stage test on this network in April. It is a breakthrough that will enhance Taiwan’s overall competitiveness, expedite Taiwan’s launch into European market, and further avail Taiwan’s e-global logistics operation.


 In the meantime, Tradevan dispatched its staff to attend the meeting of APEC ECSG (Electronic Commerce Steering Group) in Seoul the other day and made the Korea-Taiwan e-certificate of origin (e-C/O) interchange project with South Korea. In the future, Tradevan will connect the two countries’ bureaus of foreign trade and customs and thus implement customs clearance by e-documents. This e-C/O interchange project is anticipated to upgrade the two countries’ trade facilitation. (2005.3)


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