Junior Patent Attorney Clamor for Loosening the Restrictions for Patent Attorney.

E050608Y1 Jul. 2005(E68)

Intellectual Property Right Office held a second public hearing of Draft Patent Agent Law on June 7. In such hearing, some junior patent attorneys submitted a proposal suggesting that the restrictions against “exempt form test” shall be loosened so as to increase the number of people conforming to the requirements of exempt up to 1,000 persons, enabling more people who are actually practicing could become patent attorney directly.


There are so many difficulties regarding Draft Patent Agent Law because the draft stipulating that patent attorney shall pass exam to obtain qualification, and thus patent attorneys, who have obtained license of patent attorney and are practicing now, dissatisfy with and resist this draft.


After Intellectual Property Right Office discussed with the Examination Yuan, the latest Draft Patent Agent Law revised and augmented 35 Articles, which stipulated that if current patent attorneys meet a certain requirements, they shall petition for exempt from nation's examination for professionals technicians.


Intellectual Property Right Office anticipated that those who meet the requirements of exempt may include patent attorneys who have registered with Intellectual Property Right Office and are practicing, approximately 432 persons. These patent attorneys’ rights to work may not be affected due to the Draft Patent Agent Law. (2005.6)


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