IP Training Academy Established to Cultivate 4000 IP Professionals within 4 Years.

E050629Y5 Jul. 2005(E68)

“IP Training Academy” arranged and sponsored by IPO was established on June 28, 2005 and will cooperate with the schools in northern, central, and southern Taiwan with an aim to cultivate more than 4000 IP professionals within the future 4 years and to supply more IP professionals.


The Director of IPO, Lien-sheng Tsai, stressed that what the industry needs nowadays is not only a huge number R&D talents dedicated to research and innovation, but also qualified IP professionals who are able to assist the enterprises to create, protect, and exploit IP accomplishments. Countries all over the world have already realized the importance of the protection and exploitation of IP R&D accomplishments. Developed countries, such as US, Japan, and EU have successively set up IP training institutes to train more qualified IP professionals.


The courses programmed for IP Training Academy are categorized into elementary and advanced ones, which cover the fields of patent laws, patent application examination, patent engineers training, and patent litigation, etc.. In addition, experts from European Patent Academy of European Patent Office and International Intellectual Property Institute are invited to give instruction. It is expected that this Academy will cultivate 150 instructors and 1,000 IP professionals in the first year to come. (2005.6)


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