Enrollment Full on IP Valuation Training Program.

E050614Y5 Jul. 2005(E68)

Financial Accounting Principles Gazettes No. 35 and No. 34 unexpectedly kindled fervor for the IP appraiser’s license.  The Industrial Development Bureau, MOEA commissioned TWTM’s Integrated Service Center to organize an IP appraisers’ training program.  According to TWTM’s program development plan, the initial class was to be one of a size of 30.  It turned out, however, over 100 applicants rushed for registration to attend the class.  TWTM increased the number of vacancies in view of the ardent application but still over one half of the applicants were dismayed.  It is noted that some well-known professionals in the relevant industries are on the class’s roll book.


After Gazette No. 35 came into force, publicly listed and OTC companies are required to comply with the new accounting principles with respect to decrease in assets as provided for in Gazette No. 35 and they need professional valuation services’ assistance to fulfill the requirement.  As a result, the valuation services’ business amount surged and a professional valuation report could cost up to NTD1 million.  Since Gazette No. 34 is to take effect next year when businesses will be required to comply with the accounting principles regarding valuation of financial products, heated demand for valuation services from professional appraisers is certainly expected to continue for some time.


The general application information of the IP valuation training program indicates that TWTM will issue an “appraiser’s” certificate to those who pass the evaluation exam at the end of the training class.  This appeals to many in pursuit of an appraiser’s license and results in the quick full enrollment on the program. (2005.6)


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