Introducing the Concept of “Exclusive License” from the United States. Licensing Targets of Results of Technology Project will be Limited.

E050709Y5 Aug. 2005(E69)

In order to promote industry to innovate technique and research, the technology project, which has been put into practice for years, will be amended significantly. Department of Industrial Technology, Ministry of Economic Affairs confirmed that when transferring various kinds of results from technology project to industry, the manner of widespread license in the past will change intensively, replacing by “exclusive license.”


The technology project has played an important role on assisting Industry’s innovations and decreasing production cost since it has put into practice 20 years ago. However, in response to international developing trend and rise of China economic, Department of Industrial Technology, Ministry of Economic Affairs decided recently to promote reconstruction of technology project and intensively revise the current system of technology project; therefore, widespread license of technology project in the past will change intensively, replacing by “exclusive license.


First, Department of Industrial Technology decided to introduce the concept of “exclusive license” from the United States, limiting licensing targets of results of technology project. The system of exclusive license in the United States gives licensees identical power as “the patent right holder” has, and thus the licensees are entitled to file a complaint against infringers for patent infringement. Although there are no similar stipulation defined in our relevant laws pertaining to exclusive license, according to Department of Industrial Technology’s plan, research centers will mark out single license, etc. on documents of technique transfer while transferring techniques of technology project.


In addition, Department of Industrial Technology will promote license of patent package to enhance the whole effects of technology project so that the technology project may produce the largest effects. (2005.7)


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