Taiwan Intellectual Property Office Sets Up A Mediation Board to Help Clear Disputes between Copyright Intermediary Organizations And Users of Their Service.

E050817Y3 Sep. 2005(E70)

Despite the increasing copyright protection awareness, disputes over remuneration payable between copyright intermediary organizations and users of their service are never on the decrease. The Mediation Board set up by the Intellectual Property Office will aim for resolving disputes of the kind and the recommendation issued by the Mediation Board in conclusion of a successful mediation will be legally binding. 


According to Article 82 of the most recent amendment to the Copyright Act which came into force in 2003, the copyright intermediary organization and/or the user of its service may refer to the Mediation Board for resolution their dispute over the remuneration payable with respect to copyright or plate right.  The Mediation Board is formed by experts and scholars engaged by the Intellectual Property Office.  Once the mediation is concluded as successful, the Mediation Board will issue a recommendation which shall operate as a final civil judgment with binding effects. (2005.8)


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