Guarding Rights to His Portrait, SUZUKI Ichiro Sued Unauthorized Taiwanese User.

E050929X2 Oct. 2005(E71)

Popular Japanese MLB player SUZUKI Ichiro sued a well-known Taiwanese sports goods supplier yesterday alleging copyright infringement by the supplier for unauthorizedly using his portrait. However, whether the unauthorized use in question is misuse out of misunderstanding or the supplier’s intention to do so will be disputed by the parties in court.


The supplier sued indicated that its license to use Ichiro’s portraits was provided by a US company named Magestic Athletic. The supplier said it would contact the said US company as soon as possible for evidence to prove its legitimate use of Ichiro’s portrait.


SUZUKI Ichiro, the Japanese MLB player who enjoys great popularity at home and America, had his manager come to Taiwan to deal with the suspected infringement of his right to his portrait for him. With the help of the authorized Taiwanese distributor, his manager filed the complaint in the Taipei District Court yesterday on behalf of Ichiro. According to the authorized Taiwanese distributor who was granted license last year to use Ichiro’s portrait on designated goods, piracy of Ichiro’s portrait in Taiwan has been rampant and the unauthorized reproductions have come in various forms ranged from fine posters to car cards and magazine advertisement, all of which are produced for promoting sale of goods or services. Ichiro’s manager showing photos of some of the infringing articles sighted said Taiwan is a democratic country where no one should be allowed to use Ichiro’s portrait in any way and any form without Ichiro’s authorization. He added that not even the MLB is allowed to use Ichiro’s portraits without his prior approval. (2005.9)


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