Most Pirated Software In Taiwan Used by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

E050913X3 Oct. 2005(E71)

Business Software Alliance (BSA) has audited the Taiwan computer users’ software piracy for 3 consecutive years, finding that the piracy rate in Taiwan has always been standing at 43% and there are about 1500 piracy cases reported each year. According to BSA’s audit, small and medium-sized enterprises, especially those with less than 50 staff and about 20 computers, have been found most likely to use pirated software or duplicating only one piece of original software and then installing the copies on multiple computers since 2004. This situation is common among the industries of general consulting, interior design, and automobile parts. BSA has the blacklist naming 30 piracy suspects and will press charge against them subsequently. (2005.9)


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