Exam of Judicial Officer will Combine with Bar Exam.

E050923Y6 Oct. 2005(E71)

Exams for judges and prosecutors will combine with bar exam in the future. The Examination Yuan passed “Amendment Ordinance of Nation's examination for Judicial Officer and Attorney,” combining exam of judicial officer with bar exam because the two exams have identical qualifications and subjects plus the rates of overlap applications and overlap admissions are high. Combining the two exams may reduce exam-takers’ loads and repetition application rate.


This amendment plans to adopt a mode of “combined exam and separate training,” and the total number of applicants who get admissions should not exceed six hundreds people per time. Applicants must fill in preference and will be decided as either “judges and prosecutors” or “attorneys” according to their grades and preference. Besides, applicants for judges and prosecutors should pass an oral exam; although grades of such oral exam will not be counted into total grades, applicants who did not have grades over 60 points will not get admission. (2005.9)


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