IP Valuation System to Magnify Patent Viability.

E051005X5 Nov. 2005(E72)

The achievement presentation of the 3-year project for “IP Valuation System” was given in the “International Symposium on Patent Commercialization Strategy”.  This project is supported by the technology development program for academia of the Department of Industrial Technology under Ministry of Economic Affairs and is executed by the Graduate Institute of Intellectual Property of National Chengchi University, Taiwan University, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Soochow University, and Industrial Technology Research Institute etc..


This project is formulated because Taiwan is now facing a lack of mature and sound IP valuation mechanism to be used to appraise patent value.  Actually, Taiwan owns considerable patents, while the manufacturers from Taiwan have usually been accused of infringement.  This situation reveals a lack of professional patent value appraiser.


With an emphasis both on patent quality and quantity and with an aim to select patented technology with quality and core value, this project is formulated to establish patent characteristics valuation index, IP valuation index, and IP value analysis system so as to provide the industry, the academia, and the government with evaluation basis of intangible assets.  These valuation systems can also be applied to national technology strategy research and industry operation strategy development to enhance Taiwan’s competitiveness.  (2005.10)


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