TLEA’s Initial Entrance Into International Bodies.

E051005X5 Nov. 2005(E72)

Taiwan Licensing Executives Association (TLEA) announced on October 4, 2005 that they gained admission into Licensing Executives Society (LES), which represents Taiwan’s initial success in participating into the important international bodies in the capacity of non-governmental organization.


It was reported that this is also the first time Chinese delegation casts a yes vote for Taiwan’s participation into significant governmental or non-governmental international bodies since China took over Taiwan’s UN seat in 1971. 


Established in 1965, LES has been striving to promote the international cooperation and communication in transfer, use, development, marketing, and management of intellectual properties, acting as one of the leading non-governmental organizations in the world.  LES has a worldwide membership of over 11000 individual members in 30 national societies in 93 countries.  Taiwan will become LES’s 31st national society in the name of Chinese Taipei.  Moreover, it deserves mentioning that some members of LES are Nobel Prize winners.  (2005.10)


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