Keelung Customs Office Impounded More Than 227 Infringing Goods.

E051122Y6 Dec. 2005(E73)

According to the latest statistic figures released by Keelung Customs Office, the customs office had, since January of 2005, uncovered 14 cases and confiscated therefrom infringing goods in massive quantity of 2,277,315 pieces, most of which are leather goods, cigarettes, and cosmetics, since it was regulated that the customs may impose a fine and confiscate goods, if any, that infringe upon another’s patent right, trademark right, or copyright.


For actualizing the determination to protect IP rights, Article 39-1 of the Customs Anti-Smuggling Act was added in January 2005 to stipulate that where the cargoes imported or exported, delivered by post, or carried by travelers (other than genuine goods parallel imported) that have been declared to customs infringe the patent right, trademark right or copyright, the importer, exporter, or traveler in question shall be imposed with a fine equivalent to one to three times the value of the cargoes, and the cargoes shall be confiscated.


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