Intellectual Property Office Slashes Time of Handling Patent Application Cases.

E040115Y1 Feb. 2004(E51)

According to the statistics released by Intellectual Property Office (IPO), until December 31, 2003, patent application cases to be handled had amounted to 97,128, which represents a big decrease of 13,278 cases compared with the 110,406 cases to be handled in 2002.


Patent application cases have gradually risen in recent years. IPO has promoted several mechanisms to shorten the length of time spent in examination of such cases. Those mechanisms include: 1. Time of handling patent certificate: two months for handling in the original announcement is shortened to 25 working days; 2. Time of handling change of patent right and annual fee registration: two months for handling in the original announcement is shortened to 35 working days; 3. Time of handling patent agent registration: two months for handling in the original announcement is shortened to 30 working days.


Besides, after the amended Patent Law has been put into effect in July, the “examination of form” for new utility models will be adopted. In this way, the application cases that comply with the formal requirements and do not violate public order and good morals will be granted patent right so as to shorten the time for examination. (2004.01)


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