Professionals of foreign nationality come to work in Taiwan. If the professionals stay in Taiwan within 14 days, their visas are regarded as employee’s cards.

E040111Y9 Feb. 2004(E51)

The Council of Labor Affairs, the Executive Yuan passed the regulation of the permission and administration for the employers to hire foreigners with a view to lowering the flow barrier of foreign professionals. The official from the Council of Labor Affairs indicated that in the future foreign companies could designate foreign professionals to serve in Taiwan for performing the requirements stated in the agreement. If such foreign professionals stay in Taiwan less than 14 days, their visas are deemed as employee’s cards.


Subject to the said regulation, any foreign professionals could work in Taiwan if fulfilling the following provisions: 1. they acquire the bachelor’s degree and have two-year working experience. 2. They acquire the master’s degree. 3. They work in any transnational corporation for a year. However, requirements such as the said academic background and working experience are not applicable to the foreign professionals who are designated to work in Taiwan. The Council of Labor Affairs pointed out that with the approval of the target business supervisors gathered by the Council of Labor Affairs, the foreign professionals are not restrained by the qualifications of the said academic background and working experience; instead, they are merely required to acquire at least the bachelor’s degree. (2004.01)


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